Sustainable Biodegradable Glitter Company
Meadowbrook Inventions, Inc. is the world’s pioneer of Biodegradable Glitter. The first precision-cut Glitter was manufactured by Meadowbrook generations ago by cutting and clarifying biodegradable cellulose, replacing shards of decorative glass as the sparkle industry standard. The post WWII era saw tremendous growth in polymer technologies and a move toward all types of special effect Glitter substrates including coated foils, holographic films and birefringent iridescence. Now, with the popularity of biodegradability in growing demand, Meadowbrook is back where it all began, a worldwide leader in sustainable, biodegradable and water soluble Glitter products.
Industry leaders in personal care, OTC, craft, decorative, toy, display, paper and all manners of industrial applications have long turned to Meadowbrook for the manufacture of unique, environmentally friendly, sustainable and Biodegradable Glitters, visual cues, taggants, planchettes and die-cut shapes. Now Meadowbrook is offering a series of biodegradable Glitter options at much lower minimum order quantities, making bulk Biodegradable Glitter a reality for companies of all sizes.
For more information about Meadowbrook Biodegradable Glitter please contact us directly. For world-wide and eastern USA inquiries please call Joe Colleran at our Bernardsville, NJ office at 908-766-0606 or email joecolleran@meadowbrookglitter.com. In the western USA please call Justin Latts at our Claremont California office: 626-683-9900 or email jlatts@meadowbrookinventions.com